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A member registered Feb 02, 2017

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Thanks, I know that but it's much too much hassle to just play an online game in my opinion.

Too bad for people who have a AZERTY keyboard

Thanks, I've been toying around this for a while but never got to the actual solution.

Very interesting concept. It is a pity that by the time you get to certain levels, you have completely forgotten about certain interactions introduced in the beginning (happened to me for recognizing blocks as minesweeper and sudoku Right-Click).

Could you post the solution somewhere ? I gave up.

You're tearing me apart...

"Hey Lisa" "Oh hi Mark !"

Please tell me this was on purpose

Got it, that was actually much easier than I thought...

My main problem may be 3, there are some mechanics that I've used once in the game and did not clearly understand how they happened except that the way to level exit was accessible.

Thanks, that's giving me some ideas. Gonna try some more.

(1 edit)

I've been spending a lot of time on level 16, and plenty of a-ha moments that all fell short. Any clue ?
(ROT13) V guvax V unir svtherq bhg gung lbh fubhyq svaq n jnl gb npgvingr gur yvsg gb tb onpx ba gbc yriry hfvat gur 4 2-pryy oybpxf, ohg pna'g svaq n jnl.

Good game, a little on the cryptic side at the beginning, and a little on the easy side eventually, but a very enjoyable little distraction nonetheless. I really enjoy puzzleScript games with one big area, rather than separate small levels !